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  Global Marketing 3rd Edition

Global Marketing 3Rd Edition

by H. David Hennessey, Kate Gillespie

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  Written for an undergraduate audience, but also successfully used in post-graduate courses, this concise text covers the essential concepts of global marketing with the aid of extensive real-life examples and cases. GLOBAL MARKETING, 3e, offers balanced coverage of developed and developing markets, including insights into the often-overlooked markets of Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. Written with the student in mind, the Third Edition features comprehensive coverage of current topics based on the authors` extensive research and consulting experience. An early introduction to culture and marketing prepares students to integrate cultural analysis throughout the course. A chapter dedicated to the understanding of global and local competitors sets the stage for ongoing discussion of both buyers and competitors in an increasingly competitive global market.

Key Features

A student-friendly, four-color design features up-to-date photographs, maps, and advertisements that engage students in the material.
Each chapter includes up to three brief cases, located at the back of the text, that challenge students to further apply chapter concepts. Cases new to the Third Edition include "Diaspora Marketing," "Procter & Gamble Targets Emerging Markets," "ShanghaiCosmopolitan.com," "Cars for Emerging Markets," and "Fighting Aids in Asia."
Updated coverage of evolving issues in global marketing includes insights and frameworks from recent academic and consulting research. Coverage of new topics includes the Japanese cultural paradox, how global markets are using the new social media, where marketers can go for government support in tough economic times, why global marketers use emic and etic research, halal certification issues, and the rise of parallel firms. The Companion Student Site offers interactive practice tests, flashcards and crossword puzzles to help students remember key terms, weblinks for further exploration of issues in global marketing, and a course-length Country Market Project.
A considerably expanded test bank - now with over 1,500 questions - includes both factual and applied questions. New to this edition are mini-cases with questions that test student``s ability to apply knowledge to new situations and to think across chapters. ISBN - 9788131518861

Pages : 540
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