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  Marketing Accountability: A New Metrics Model to Measure Marketing Effectiveness

Marketing Accountability: A New Metrics Model To Measure Marketing Effectiveness

by Malcolm Mcdonald, Peter Mouncey

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 445.50
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  No CEO or CFO wants to hear that their marketing investment was a gamble, and greater accountability for marketing expenditure is one of the biggest issues facing the marketing community today, Marketing Accountability is based on years of research at Cranfield School of Management and it introduces a marketing metrics model that shows not only how marketing systematically contributes to shareholder value but also provides a metric-based framework for developing and implementing marketing strategies that are measurable and accountable, The key steps in the model are described in detail plus the process for practically applying it, as well as key areas that need to be considered such as:

• why a company-wide data management strategy is a vital foundation to measuring the value added by marketing strategy

• how to develop and implement a measurable marketing strategy and allocate resources appropriately

• how to become the first choice for the customers you want

• the importance of engaging other functions in developing and implementing the marketing plan to achieve results and ensure accountability
Marketing Accountability will enable senior executives to measure the impact of marketing activities against the goals of an organization, It will empower marketers to justify and defend their plans to both CEOs and their CFOs.

ISBN - 9780749462635

Pages : 240
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