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  Work Like a Spy: Business Tips from a Former CIA Officer

Work Like A Spy: Business Tips From A Former Cia Officer

by J.C. Carleson

  Price : Rs 799.00
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  When J. C. Carleson left the corporate world to join the CIA,she expected an adventure, and she found it. Her assignmentsincluded work in Iraq as part of a weapons of mass destructionsearch team, travels throughout Afghanistan, and clandestineencounters with foreign agents around the globe. What she didntexpect was that the skills she acquired from the CIA would bedirectly applicable to the private sector.

It turns out that corporate America can learn a lot fromspies-not only how to respond to crises but also how to achieveoperational excellence. Carleson found that the CIA gave her anincreased understanding of human nature, new techniques foreliciting informa?tion, and improved awareness of potentialsecurity problems, adding up to a powerful edge in business.

Using real examples from her experiences, Carle-son explains howworking like a spy can teach you the principles of:

Targeting-figuring out who you need to know and how to get tothem

Elicitation-a subtle way to get the answers you need withouteven asking a question

Counterintelligence-how to determine if your organization isunwittingly leaking information

Screening-CIA recruiters methods for finding and hiring theright people

The methods developed by the CIA are all about getting what youwant from other peo?ple. In a business context, these techniquesapply to seeking a new job, a promotion, a big sale, anadvantageous regulatory ruling, and countless other situations.

As Carleson writes, "In a world where infor?mation has a price,it pays to be vigilant." Her book will show you how.
ISBN - 9781591843535

Pages : 208
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