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  Incredible North India: Fold Cultural Traditions

Incredible North India: Fold Cultural Traditions

by S.P. Pandey, A.K. Singh, Roli Misra & Snajay Pandey

  Price : Rs 1100.00
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  Folk performing arts have developed in various parts of the country in response to certain socio-cultural and psychological needs of local people. These performing arts and traditions have contributed significantly in national integration, social change, socio-economic development and overall preservation of cultural heritage and deposits. India is a rich tradition of performing arts, in fact these are traditions not one tradition of performing arts. The modern forces of social change have affected the folk culture. The northern India is rich in cultural heritage and the cultural traditions are still alive and vibrant. The songs, dances, theatre groups are purely traditional. During fairs and festivals people celebrate the cultural traditions with great zeal and enthusiasm and perform arts in form of dancing and singing to pay homage to the local gods and goddess. The social or community dances such as Jhumaila, Jhora, Chapeli, Chauffula, Chancheri etc are most popular and common dances in Uttarakhand. Nautanki, Raslila, Ramlila, Dhobi dance, Nat, Sapera dances and many other folk dances and folk traditions are still alive in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The present volume highlights the cultural traditions, folk performing arts and traditions of northern India, particularly Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand. It encompasses folk theater and cultural traditions of Nats and Gonds of Uttar Pradesh, and Chancheri, Chapeli, Jhora, Jhumela, and Chaufula, of Kumaonand Garhwal of Uttarakhand, besides description of cultural profile of Uttrakhand. It is expected the volume will be highly use full in understanding the dynamics of folk culture and traditions of north India. isbn 9788183874984

Pages : 313
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