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  Domestic Violence Aginst Women in India

Domestic Violence Aginst Women In India

by A.K. Singh S.P. Singh S.P. Pandey

  Price : Rs 1400.00
  Your Price : Rs 1232.00
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  Domestic violence against women is a wide spread problem However, its actual extent is difficult to measure. It may be very much higher than that the reports indicate because many instances of domestic violence against women are not reported. The research studies and surveys and conducted by individuals generally produce higher estimates produce higher estimates of violence than official records. However, they are also assumed to underestimate the actual extent of domestic violence against women. For a variety of reasons, women may fail to report violence that takes place in the family. According to available statistics from around the world, about 33 per cent of the women have experienced violence in from or the other in intimate relationship at some point in their life. This is an average based on available national surveys across industrialized developing countries published in the report of the world Health Organization in 1997. In India, the actual prevalence of domestic violence against women is scant. Against this view point present book throws light on various aspects dimensions of domestic violence. The book consists of 31 chapters split into three section I, deals with concept, nature and dimensions of domestic. The contains12 chapters; Section-11 concerned with protection of Women from Domestic violence Act. This contains 9 Chapters and, Section-111deals with domestic violence a against women, consequences and impact. This section contains 10 chapters. At the and recommendations are given to minimize the domestic violence against women and also effective enforcement to Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act 2006. The recommendation will be helpful to planners, administrators, researchers and development activists for the successful implementation of Act at the grass root level. This book will also provide and serve as a resource book in finding out the also provide and further improvement in the PWDV Act.2006
ISBN : 97881909127

Pages : 442
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