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  Rehabilitation of Disadvanced Children and Women Sex Workers

Rehabilitation Of Disadvanced Children And Women Sex Workers

by S.P. Pandey, Awadhesh Kr. Singh & Sanjya Kr. Pandey

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 572.00
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  Children form the first Priority on the National agenda as they are most vulnerable and foundation of the nation. However, the exploitation, neglect, discrimination and violence against children have caused enormous social distortions and violations of human rights. The porous borders have added the new dimensions in trafficking in girls and young women in India as large number of girls and young women are being trafficked from Nepal and Bangladesh and are thrown into brothels of metropolitan cities. Millions of commercial sex workers and their dependent children are facing problems with social stigma, deviance and exclusion in the context of globalization, economic liberalization and marketization of Indian economy and society. Therefore rehabilitation of trafficked children and women is imperative. Importantly, physically and mentally challenged persons are most marginalized and suffer from social deviance, stigma and social exclusion and oppression. The prevalence of disability is increasing as globalization, liberalization and modern life style has promoted accident rate causing impairments and disabilities. A significant number of physically and mentally challenged persons are children. The rehabilitation of physically and mentally challenged persons need new approach with multi pronged strategies. Against this view point the present book provides the emerging perspective of disadvantaged children – children of commercial sex workers, and physically and mentally challenged children. The book also gives a brief account of the rationale of social rehabilitation of disadvantaged children with the admirable felicity of understanding the social problems and efforts made so far for the welfare, development and empowerment of disadvantaged children. It is hoped that the book will be highly useful for understanding the dynamics of social problems and giving a direction of social rehabilitation of disadvantaged children.
ISBN : 9788183872126

Pages : 210
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