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  Outlines Of Mass Communication (Hardcover)

Outlines Of Mass Communication (Hardcover)

by Manohar Puri

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  Apparently, mass communication, an attractive and heaven-on-earth discipline is one of the most challenging and tough jobs, on earth. To call a spade a spade, it is a life -long mission, the ingredients of which comprise indomitable courage, hill-strong firmness, honesty, unbiased viewpoints power of observation and analysis, ability to dichotomize the right and wrong and finally a vast collection of information and awareness to translate various ideas in into a conveyable form

A media person is commonly supposed to expose the masses to the existing evils in society and also towage a war against them unceasingly. Analogically, a media person has to play the part of an army general. At this crucial point of time, he, too; Is in dire need of some supporting hands. Alas! Society turns a deaf ear and all his expectation are betrayed. As a result, his enthusiasm starts running out.

Nevertheless, his conscience never lets him take a sigh of relief. He feel constantly, as if lying on the cinders, as long as his flaming passion is put to rest. A member and denizen of this very society, a media man deserves a big hand, no doubt.

Unfortunately, this most honorable profession has been subjected to some infection diseases, which have sucked its stamina, leaving it pale-faced. On the other hand, the introduction of electronic media seems to have achieved some vitality, of late. Given the present scenario, one may positively hope as regards the future of mass communication.

Scattered allover India and abroad, government and private institution, imparting the knowledge and know- how of mass communication, are sufficient reason to be optimistic. Based on meticulously tailored syllabi, various diplomas, varying in duration are there for the ambitious.

Needless to Say, this work offers no claim to its being a last -word on the subject; it is just a link in the chain to carry the torch forward. The editor is of firm belief that it would prove to be and important step in this direction for scholars and students, alike. Sincere suggestions are solicited and welcome.
ISBN 8189645250

Pages : 382
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