Like any other art, journalism, too, is an art. As art of selecting and arranging them in a beautiful order. But this arrangement or selection should not be just for the sake of beauty and an apparent effect. Parallel to this process, what is required is the factor of honesty, unbiasedness, bravery to mirror the evil, resolution to carry on the task entrusted to him and an overall awareness of what is going on around.
Beside, all these traits, another equally or rather more equally important thing for a journalist is his ability of thinking globally, though acting locally. Globalisation has changed the whole situation. Therefore, it becomes incumbent upon every media person to globalize his mental faculties.
A task of toughness, Mass Media has made some big strides lately. Thanks to electronic revolution! Due to an urge for fame and fortune, people seem to be more attracted towards it than every before. Live coverage of news and events and round the clock service are some of the plus points of electronic media.
Yet, another more gravitating feature of Mass Communication is the use of micro-cameras intended to catching the accused red handed. This type threatening and sensitive ˜sting operations` have played important part in putting a semi-check on rapidly increasing practices of corruption in Government, semi government and private sectors. ISBN 8189645277
Pages : 364