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  WHEN MEDIA GOES TO WAR : Hegemonic Discourse, Public Opinion, and the Limits of Dissent

When Media Goes To War : Hegemonic Discourse, Public Opinion, And The Limits Of Dissent

by Anthony Dimaggio

  Price : Rs 795.00
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  When Media Goes To War: Hegemonic Discourse, Public Opinion, and The Limits of Dissent Praised for it `Clear- headedness and common sense` this Book isan introduction to the uses made of anthropology by Marx andEngels, and the uses made of Marxism by anthropologists. Maurice Bloch beings by using our present Knowledge to evaluatethe writing of Marx and Engels on Primitive Societies. He goes onto discuss the anthropological theories of the immediate successorsto Marx and Engels, and assesses the Significance of the fact thatthe only work available to them was Engels`s The Origin of PrivateProperty, the Family, and the State. He then examines the gradualreintroduction of Marxist concepts in American, British, and Frenchanthropologists have turned away from the theories of PrimitiveSocieties in the light of Marxist theories of Capitalism. Maurice Bloch is Professor of Anthropology in the University ofLondon. He is the author of Marxist Analyses. And SocialAnthropology. Contents 1. Anthropology and the Work of Marx and Engels 2. Marx and Engels on Anthropology 3.The Present- Day Standing of Marx`s and EngelsAnthropology 4.The Direct Successors to Marx and Engels 5.Marxism and American Anthropology 6. Marxism and British and French Anthropology Bibliography Index

ISBN - 9789350021873

Pages : 384
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