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  Career In Mass Communication (Hardcover)

Career In Mass Communication (Hardcover)

by Manohar Puri

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  Once thought to be a difficult task, career in mass communication has witnessed tremendous changes, lately; introduction of a media is a new stream for the industry. It has opened new avenues. It has opened a number of windows in the sphere of profession.

Advantages apart, the favouring factors, i.e. hard work, sharp intelligence, analyzing attitude, honestly, courage to face the hostile winds and in depth knowledge of that which is bygone; of that which is going on and necessary insight to look into what is going to happen, etc. can not be underestimated.

A knight equipped with the above mentioned arms is always welcomed in this field. In the long run, it pays a lot. Fame and fortune smile on him or her.

A note of precaution should also be taken before heading forward. Due to prevailing corruption in society, the elegant profession has also caught some bacteria. Among a multitude of trustworthy and able professionals, there have intruded some self centred people- and some of them being promoters of yellow-journalism into this field. That is why the respectable vocation experienced a few jolts in recent times.

The market is replete with volumes of matter and stuff highlighting the significance of a career in mass communication. Even then, this modest work has its own worth. Singular in its features, it is expected that general readers as well as concerned people would find it interesting.

ISBN 8189645269

Pages : 400
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