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  Business Success: Branding Your Business

Business Success: Branding Your Business

by James Hammond

  Price : Rs 275.00
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  Reviews: "Branding your Business is a superb book pitched perfectly at those looking to understand what branding is about and how it can help boost their business. Hammond guides the reader gently through the latest thinking on branding, including the vital role played by emotions and the senses in purchase decision. Well-written, clearly structured, and packed full of sound advice, Hammond has produced an outstanding and intelligent guide to branding in the 21st century."

Roderick E Wikes, Chief executive, The Charted Institute of Marketing

"This is an imporatnt book...James does us all afavour by revealing what we really need to know, in plain language."

Drayton Bird, Master of direct marketing and author of best-selling book Commonsense Direct & Digital Marketing

"This book is a one-stop-shop for entrepreneurs and business managers who want to understand and develop powerful brands."

Beth Rogers, Senior Lecturer, Sales and Marketing, Portsmouth Business School and Chair, UK Sales Board

" A brand is more than a name. It is the begining of a lifetime dialogue between brand and consumer. The challenge has always been to launch and sustain a unique brand conversation. In Branding Your Business, James Hammond describes beautifully how to meet and overcome this fundamental challenge."

Martin Lindstrom, Author of BRAND sense and Buyology

If branding is important to your business - and it is important to every business big and small - this is book you should have."

YaroStarak, www.entrepreneurs-journey.com

For any business that realizes the importance of branding and wants to know how to do it, this is one book that should be on the bookshelf."

Richard Parkes Cordock, Author of Millionaire Upgrade: Lessons in Success From Those Who Travel at the Sharp End of the Plane and Business Upgrade: 21 Days to Re-ignite the Entrepreneurial Spirit in You and Your Team

Description: The only way forward for business success is to create a memorable brand and fix it in the consumer`s mind. Branding your Business explains the whole branding process in easy-to-follow terms. Providing practical help rather than academic theories, it explains:

¢ what a brand is

¢ the role of perception and emotion

¢ using the five senses to drive your brand

¢ creating a Brand Halo TM

¢ communicating your brand

Based around the theory that a brand is the total perception a customer has about a company, its products or services, Branding your Business reveals what you need to create and manage successful brands, increase profits and leave the competition standing.


Introduction: Just what is a brand? ¢ Who is the customer? ¢ Branding the heart as well as the head ¢ Two pathways to purchasing ¢ How many emotions are there? ¢ Maslow`s Hierarchy of Human Needs ¢ Adaptive or supportive emotions - you decide ¢ How perception creates emotion ¢ Generating emotions ¢ Perception and long-term memory ¢ Reception ¢ Selection ¢ Interpretation ¢ Reaction ¢ Long-term memory ¢ Foreground and background ¢ Looking like your brand ¢ Creating a visual brand identity ¢ What`s in a name? ¢ Use technology to your advantage ¢ Your BodyBrand ¢ Visual communication - up close and personal ¢ Seeing eye to eye with your customers ¢ Standing up (or sitting down) for your brand ¢ Handshakes from hell ¢ Give yourself a body check ¢ Talking the walk ¢ Speech ¢ Reasons for customer contact ¢ Putting your brand on the right track ¢ Audio logos and jingles ¢ Giving customers audio guidance ¢ Spatial enhancement ¢ The sweet smell of brand success ¢ Smells evoke memories ¢ Singapore girl sensory brand ¢ Defining your brand`s smell ¢ Your Brandscent environment ¢ Scenting the product or service ¢ Aromatic publicity and promotions ¢ Your personal scent: good or bad idea? ¢ Use scents and aromas with care ¢ Branding the taste buds ¢ Getting the edge in food and drink ¢ A tasty non-food business ¢ Sweet ways to brand your business ¢ Taste buds and business tie-ins ¢ Brand touch and feel ¢ Getting in touch with your brand ¢ Bringing your brand to the surface ¢ Branding on the can ¢ Using touch in a service business ¢ Building your Brand Halo ¢ The idea behind a Brand Halo ¢ The right parts of your business - but not all parts ¢ Customer-contact timeline ¢ Creating your Brand Reflections ¢ Your Brand Halo ¢ Your Brand Halo Handbook ¢ Your choice of contents ¢ A sample page from the Brand Halo Handbook ¢ A handbook for your business - and your people ¢ Your Brand Halo Storybook ¢ The need for stories today ¢ Animals do the funniest things... like build strong brands ¢ Creating your Brand Halo Storybook ¢ Your BrandMe story ¢ Tell your story like you mean it ¢ Your BusinessBrand story ¢ Your PeopleBrand story ¢ Selecting your potential employees ¢ Retaining your people ¢ Your BrandBite ¢ Creating a slogan or strapline ¢ Branding and social media ¢ So who`s got it right? ¢ Can brands play a part in social media? ¢ The three R`s of social media ¢ Points to consider ¢ Final thoughts ¢ References ¢ Index

About the Author: James Hammond has over 30 years experience working in brand management and strategy, consulting for many blue chip organizations, including Virgin, Honda, BT and EMI. He has created and chaired key European conferences on Customer Care and Managing Change. An experienced speaker, he conducts workshops and training programmes across the United Kingdom.

Target Audience: Product Managers, Students of Marketing
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. 9780749462963

Pages : 286
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