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  Indian Art Collection

Indian Art Collection

by Several Authors

  Price : Rs 25000.00
  Your Price : Rs 21250.00
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  This unique collection offers a paramic view of the artistic heritage of india which abounds in the princeless gems of architectural monuments, sculptures, mural paiuntings and a variety of aftefacts of different periods which arouse as much admiration and interest today as centuries ago. The origin of India`s creative traditions, comprising of art, architecture, painting, cermics, metal and ivory works and textiles go back to the prehistoric rock paintings and neo-lithic settlements. The compositie culture of India has created an unprecedented amalgam of artistic treasure. It is accepted fact that forms, style,. Richness of ornamentation, imagery, media and technique of Indian architecture hs attained perfection in ancient and medieval times. The marvel of rock-out monuments of western and southern indiaincluding Buddhist masterpieces at ajanta, ellora, karle, bhaja, nalanda, sarnath and sanchi have no equals in the world. The art and architecture of regional style is represented by the monumental architecture of hindu and jain temples, of northern souther, westernm and eastern india, temples of mahabalipuram, kanchipura, thanjavour, elphanta, ellora, halebid, belur, modhera, mount abu, ranakpur, khajuraho, bhubaneshwar, puri and konark have no equal in the world. India has the largest number of folrts, palaces, mosques, tombs, carvanasarais, pleasure gardens, shikagarh ( hunting pavilions), bridges, tanks, step-walls and sluices, whosel, superior architectural technique and kaleidoscopic ornamentation with finest material and finish had attained the highest sensitivity of aesthetics. The mosaic arabesque, calligrphy, coloured tiles, delicate lattice works are of unique design and appeal. Indian paintings had also occupied an enviable position throughout its long history. The masterpieces of jain, rajput, pahari and malwa schools were responsible in shaping the unique variety of mughal miniature paintings. it includes works by master scholars of indian heritage including George Watts, percy Brown, Gordon Sanderson, Narsimhachar, longhurst, arther Waley, Grunwedel, lawrence Binyon, sounderarajan, cogin brown, das gupta, bose, havell, cousens etc, 22 volumes.ISBN 81-7020-589-1, pages 3500 with 1200 illustrations, siuze 22 19 cm, index, cloth binding with multi colour wrapper.

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