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  Indian Historical Researches

Indian Historical Researches

by Several Authors

  Price : Rs 60000.00
  Your Price : Rs 51000.00
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  India, its people and their legacy of an ancient system of wisdom has been a source of intellectual simulation to a whole generation of western scholars exposedto indian culture as als western education indian scholars who have been able to act as a bridge between their own systems of thought and the west. This encounter of the minds of the east and the west produced an immensely rich and diverse literatuer on india, including factual documentaions, commentaries, chronicles, historiography and critiques of this profound heritage. Cosmo now presents the ebst works from this vast pool of knowledge in the form of a great series of books, new and old, which covers varied topics of histocial, social, political, technical and scientific facts. The contributions to this series have come from scholars, some of whom have truly been stalwarts of their times. The set includes works from the likes of burgess, mabel duff, charles spier covering ancient, medieval and modern phases of indian history, scientific studies on hindu astronomy and mathematics as a kaye and bently; special theme as a mughal gardens by V.C.M. Stuart, and on the ever grandiose princess of india by w. barton; invaluable source material studies as that of robert swell on the south indian dynasties or by father heras and krishnaswami aiyengar, variously, on the vijayanagara empire. The range does not leave out even the annals of two way interaction with india, like nepal, sikkim, tibet, afghanistan etc, by oldfled, stock and that all time interlude by arraian, justin, and others, dealing with the greek invasion into India in the 4th century, B.C. the main purpose of this collection of books is to make available to students, scholars and cannoisseur in the field of history, archaeology and culture certain works which in one way or another-often in several ways-are, likely to be for years to come, indispensable tools of reference and research. The wealthg of included materials, exactness and superb compilation has not been surprassed b6y any other project. This set is a comprehensive library by itself, on Indian history, archaeology and culture etc, along with its siter publication-INDIAN ART COLLECTION. Size 14 22 cm. 16 25 xm. 21 28 cm. Index wotj eachj vp;I,e. illustrations, woodcuts, maps, figures, bibliographies, appendix.

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