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  Two Old Faiths: Essays On The Religions Of The Hindus And The Mohammedans

Two Old Faiths: Essays On The Religions Of The Hindus And The Mohammedans

by J. Murray Mitchell, William Muir

  Price : Rs 620.00
  Your Price : Rs 452.60
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  The place of Hinduism—which is professed by about a hundred and ninety millions in India—among the religions of the world, and its great antiquity, are pointed out. The comparative simplicity of the system contained in the Vedas, the oldest sacred books of the Hindus, it’s almost entire freedom from the use of images, its gradual deterioration in the later hymns, its gradual multiplication of gods, the advance of sacredotalism, and the increasing complexity of its religious rites are set forth. The philosophical speculation that was carried on, the different philosophical schools, the Buddhist reaction, its conflict with Brahmanism, its final defeat, and its influence on the victorious system are discussed. The religious reconstruction represented by the Puranas, their theological character, the modern ritual, the introduction and rise of caste, and the treatment of women are then considered. A contrast is drawn between the leading characteristics of Hinduism and those of Christianity, and the effect of Christian ideas on modern Hinduism is exhibited. The history of the Brahmo Somaj under Keshub Chndra Sen is given at some length. The progress of Islam was slow until Mohammed cast aside the precepts of toleration and adopted an aggressive, militant policy. Then it became rapid. The motives which animated the armies of Islam were mixed—material and spiritual. The former were not such as to deter men of the world from embracing the faith. The sexual indulgences sanctioned by it are such as to make Islam "the Easy way." So, this book is an indispensable one in the context of religion.

ISBN : 9788121241762

Pages : 156
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