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  Hinduism Past And Present

Hinduism Past And Present

by J. Murray Mitchell

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 438.00
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  The author has made an elaborate attempt to make justice to the title of `Hinduism Past and Present`. Hinduism is so exceedingly vast and complex that a full discussion of the subject would require a large volume, or rather many volumes. The author`s desire has been to produce, if possible, a book which should be sufficiently correct to satisfy the orientalist, and yet short and simple enough to attract the attention of the readers and common man. Engaging and accessible, this book will appeal to laypersons and scholars alike as the most comprehensive introduction to Hinduism yet published. Not only is Hinduism refreshingly new in its methodological approach, but it also presents a broad range of meticulous scholarship in a clear, readable style, integrating Indology, religious studies, philosophy, anthropological theory and fieldwork, and sweeping analyses of Hindu texts. Hinduism is currently followed by one-fifth of humankind. Far from a monolithic theistic tradition, the religion comprises thousands of gods, a complex caste system, and hundreds of languages and dialects. Such internal plurality inspires vastly ranging rites and practices amongst Hinduism`s hundreds of millions of adherents

ISBN : 9788121234832

Pages : 301
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