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  Stress Management : an Integrated Approach

Stress Management : An Integrated Approach

by Dr. Viswanathan Gopalan

  Price : Rs 490.00
  Your Price : Rs 357.70
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  This book brings to the reader, all the knowledge required to identify and manage stress. This book covers all the techniques known for identifying and managing stress in an integrated manner, such as positive thinking, exercises, relaxation, laughter, playing with children, travel, yoga, meditation and prayer, making the knowledge complete. Initial chapters deal with the nature and mechanisms of stress. The middle portion deals with the effects of stress on the various physiological and neurological systems in the human body. All coping mechanisms needed to combat stress are discussed in detail, such as positive thinking, exercises, relaxation, laughter, yoga meditation and prayer. A chapter is dedicated to spirituality and its use in managing stress. The book concludes with a case study on an integrated approach to stress management. The case study is gives the reader a practical application of his knowledge on stress.

ISBN : 9789353241049

Pages : 119
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