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  Knowledge Management in Organisations and in People`s Lives

Knowledge Management In Organisations And In People`S Lives

by Dr Viswanathan Gopalan

  Price : Rs 540.00
  Your Price : Rs 394.20
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  This is one unique book which describes in detail some of the core concepts related to Knowledge Management in organizations as well as the use of those values in personal lives of individuals. Initial chapters introduce the basics of the Knowledge Management, the process, the terms used and their meanings. Part A of the book pertaining to Knowledge Management in Organizations deals with the concepts of structuring any organization for knowledge management. The topics discussed include knowledge creation, methods of knowledge transformation and sharing, principles on which structuring an organization for content creation and technology should be done. Examples of some corporations practicing Knowledge Management and the challenges facing them in implementation have been discussed. In Part B, namely, Knowledge Management in People`s Lives, the emphasis has been to tell the reader to acquire knowledge in areas related to stress, health, motivation, and share and use them for fulfilment in life. The last chapters deal with the Knowledge management perspective of higher level needs in life, like love, happiness and peace, spirituality, issues like awakening, enlightenment, yoga and liberation. The knowledge shared is re-usable for better quality of living which is the primary goal of this book

ISBN : 9789380222967

Pages : 154
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