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  Good Governance and Coalition Politics : Pdp-Congress in Jammu & Kashmir

Good Governance And Coalition Politics : Pdp-Congress In Jammu & Kashmir

by M.M. Khajooria

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 547.50
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  :- Good governance and Coalition Politics” is a tale of two coalition governments of Jammu and Kashmir -(PDP-Congress(2002-2008) and NC-Congress (2008-2014)- prefaced by concept and contours of Good Governance in historical and philosophical contexts. The focus was on dynamic changes in the philosophy, structure, functions and goals of governance and the triangular relationship among state, society, and citizen that evolved during the last two centauries or so. The policy frame, processes and motivation informing the decision making on important issues were subjected to similar treatment. The book laid bare contradictions between the classical model of cabinet system rooted in the principle of “joint responsibility” and supremacy of the Chief minister and its actual practice under what had come to be known as “coalition compulsions”. The political immorality and massive corruption in public life that it spawned demanded public debate for urgent and comprehensive system correctives.

ISBN : 9789351281184

Pages : 244
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