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  Combat Warriors: Who Matter Most

Combat Warriors: Who Matter Most

by Lt Col (Dr) Sube Singh Ahlawat

  Price : Rs 995.00
  Your Price : Rs 796.00
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  The Indian military is the most loyal institution of the country. Indian’s two neighbours, China and Pakistan keep troubling the country. China has got an unsatiable desire to gobble up our territory by salami slicing, where as Pakistan is all out to harm India by waging an ill conceived and irrational religious war, simply to avoid its own fragmentation.

China has developed its technological weaponry and Pakistan had been enjoying the largesse of USA and Saudi Arabia for the last so many years and has raised a large military force. There is a threat from the duo and India is putting its act together to face a two front war.

ISBN : 9788170623397

Pages : 283
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