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  Emerging Nuclear World (set of 4 volumes)

Emerging Nuclear World (Set Of 4 Volumes)

by S. Kumar

  Price : Rs 3795.00
  Your Price : Rs 3529.35
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  This, book, one in the series entitled ‘Emerging Nuclear World’, Focuses its attention upon the foundation of nuclear power generation, nuclear reactor technology. The focus is upon understanding the principles processes, concepts and techniques behind the composition of nuclear reactors, their types functioning, their safe handling and management. The book brings within purview the issue of concerns generated by the safely of nuclear reactors, intensified by the incident of ‘Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. The problem of radioactive waste disposal has also been addressed, the attention upon contemporary trends and development in the field adding a relevant outlook to the test. This book has been written. To serve as an incisive and extensive manual which brings into focus the consequences of the use of nuclear power. Both the peaceful as well as the antagonistic dimension of nuclear energy have been discussed, with emphasis particularly upon comprehending the political, economic, social and cultural results of nuclear energy use. Instance of nuclear energy use, benefits and errors have been thoroughly reviewed, so as to give readers a better insight into the way nuclear power works. In addition, contemporary worries, concerns and problems have been given a comprehensive overview, so as to Foster a panoramic under standing of the issue witch is also relevant. The present book, one in the series entitled ‘Emerging Nuclear World’, is a text which aims at critically evaluating and comprehending the import of nuclear proliferation. The emphasis is on understanding the political, social, economic, environmental and cultural implications of nuclear proliferation, with the contemporary scenario aiding in enhancing awareness about this issue by serving as a backdrop. In addition, the dangers of nuclear weapon possession by international terrorist agencies has also been looked Into, especially as terrorism continuous to be the bane of the modem world in its reach and scope. With critical perspectives from multiple dimensions upon the subject fostering better, analysis of nuclear proliferation, the book should serve as a relevant text upon the subject. This book has been written as a manual which enables the readers to comprehend the horrors and worries associated with radioactive waste and globing warming. It guides the reader on the processes, principles, practices and techniques associated with radioactive waste disposal, and how technology is continually advancing to redress safety issues. The association with global warming has been effectively delineated, with emphasis being placed upon understanding the implications of such a problem, what is being done about it and what needs to be further done. In addition, current research and development progress in the field has been coveted, with the content of the book elaborated critically to foster a comprehensive, incisive and relevant understanding of the subject.
ISBN - 8182901669

Pages : 1200
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