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  Operation Bangladesh

Operation Bangladesh

by Colonel P.K. Gautam

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  The 1971 war between India and Pakistan led to the creation of Bangladesh. The operation of 4 Corps of the Indian Army which were undertaken from eastern border of the earst while East Pakistan during 1971 are textbook lessons in operational art and campaign plan. Fire power and maneuvers are two basic building blocks of tacitce. Firepower of medium guns o fthe artillery is the ultimate form o ffire support. But without good troops no firepower or maneuver can be of any worth . This book weaves together the tale of grass root soldering through the eyes and experience of a subaltern with his men in painting a unique picture in history o fth ewar of Bangladesh. Probably for the first time in history , India was instrumental in the birth of nation . It gives an insight on what was the peak period of professional militeries and its readership in India, Pakistan and in Bangladesh and in other countries, the book would also be of interest to the war veterans and also the younger generations and academics as aunique study of military instutions ans ethos of that art.

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