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  Constructing Islam on the Indus: The Material History of the Suhrawardi Sufi Order, 1200–1500 AD

Constructing Islam On The Indus: The Material History Of The Suhrawardi Sufi Order, 1200–1500 Ad

by Hasan Ali Khan

  Price : Rs 1225.00
  Your Price : Rs 1004.50
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  This book deals with the medieval history of Islam in the Indus Valley, bringing to light a previously hidden narrative of dialogue and contestation among Ismaili and Im?miy?h Shiites, Sufis and Sunnis. It represents the first serious consideration of Ismaili-Shia esotericism in material and architectural terms, as well as of pre-modern conceptions of religious plurality in rituals and astrology. Sufism has long been reckoned to have connections to Shi’ism, but without any concrete proof. The book shows this connection in light of current scholarly work on the subject, historical sources, and most importantly, metaphysics and archaeological evidence. The monuments of the Suhrawardi Order, which are derived from the basic lodges set up by Pir Shams in the region, constitute a unique building archetype. The book’s greatest strength lies in its archaeological evidence and the metaphysical commonalties between Shi’ism/ Isma’ilism and the Suhrawardi Sufi Order, both of which complement each other. In addition, working on premise and supposition, certain re-analysed historical periods and events in Indian Muslim history serve as added proof for the author’s argument.

ISBN - 9781107062900

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