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  History of India 1707a€“1857

History Of India 1707A€“1857

by Lakshmi Subramanian (Ed.)

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  The period 1707“1857 was punctuated by dramatic events which had porofound consequences for the history of the subcontinent. The ascendency of the British colonial enterprise was a more complex process than was conventionally understood, and scholarship from the 1980s has contributed to a more nuanced understanding of this period of flux. This authoritative textbook identifies and examines the processes of social and political change that took place over a century and a half.

Synthesising and analysing decades of research on this period, History of India, 1707“1857, covers the following main themes:

* The disintegration of the Mughal Empire, the emergence of successor states, and the establishment of the East India Company`s dominance in the subcontinent. It also examines the debate around the so-called eighteenth century transition to capitalism, and the consequences of the colonial intervention.

* The processes that aided consolidation of the Raj, its methods of governance and the bliss of its economic set up.

* Social and intellectual constructs which developed during this period, laying the ground for colonial dominance as well as resistance to it.

* A comprehensive overview of developments in the fields of culture, art, literature, music and ideas during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

* Resistance to the colonial enterprise, culminating in the rebellion of 1857.

Each chapter is accompanied by maps and an up-to-date bibliography as well as an extensive glossary, making this an essential textbook for undergraduate students of Indian history.

ISBN :9788125040934

Pages : 264
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