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  Virtual Water

Virtual Water

by Tony Allan

  Price : Rs 1397.72
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  How much water does it take to make a cup of coffee? The answer may shock you: 140 liters! That`s the true amount of water used in growing, producing, packaging, and shipping the beans you use to make your morning coffee. Your lunchtime hamburger takes 2,400 liters and that favorite pair of blue jeans a whopping 11,000 liters. In fact, all the goods we buy - from food to clothing to computers - have a water cost in the form of virtual water: the powerful new concept that reveals the hidden facts of our real global water consumption. At a time when the world`s resources are being used up at increasingly alarming rates what can we do to help tackle the threat to our planet`s most precious resource? World water expert Tony Allan - creator of the virtual water concept - shows the way. In this stimulating and enjoyable book, he exposes the real impact of our modern lifestyle and shows how we as individuals, and governments globally, can make a vital contribution to managing our water use in a more sustainable and planet friendly way.ISBN - 9781845119843

Pages : 384
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