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  Essentials of Anatomy for Dental Students (With Colour Atlas)

Essentials Of Anatomy For Dental Students (With Colour Atlas)

by Inderbir Singh

  Price : Rs 1495.00
  Your Price : Rs 1196.00
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  Essentials of Anatomy for Dental Students (With Colour Atlas) emphasises throughout the book on a picture memory rather than a verbal one. It is with this objective that the book incorporates a colour atlas. The atlas is realistic to the extent that normal contours and relationships are maintained in the illustrations; but it is schematic in that some structures present in the field of dissection are omitted, or are delineated more clearly than is possible to see in actual dissections. In describing any part of the body, the region is first reviewed using the atlas figures as a guide. This is followed by detailed consideration of individual structures.
The text has been graded into three levels:

1. The descriptions of essential features, which every student must know, are printed on a white background.

2. Details that a good undergraduate student should know are printed on a light green background.

3. Further details that will interest bright students and postgraduates are printed on a light red background. ISBN - 9789351525912

Pages : 636
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