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  My Times: An Autobiography

My Times: An Autobiography

by J. B. Kripalani

  Price : Rs 995.00
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  Jiwantram Bhagwandas Kripalani or Acharya Kripalani, as he was better known, was one of the major figures in the Congress prior to the Indian independence. His life spanned almost a century-as a young man, he saw the rise of Mahatma GAndhi to the centrestage of Indian politics and in his waning years he was witness to the Emergency.
Acharya Kripalani was born in Hyderabad (Sind, In Pakistan ), studied in Bombay and Pune and taught at Muzaffarpur College in Bihar and Benaras Hindu University for a brief period. But it was during his stint as the Principal of Guajarat Vidyapeeth, he became fully engrossed in Gandhiji`s constructive programme and in work related to the Indian National Congress. In 1934, Kripalani became the General Secretary of the Congress, a post he held till 1945 and was the Congress President at the time of independence.
About Author :
My Times is a brilliant work which would not only enthuse the scholars of Indian nationalist struggle but also anyone who wants to take a peek into the world of the leaders during that era. Kripalani sheds light on the relationship he shared with leaders of his times-Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Bose, Maulana Azad, Sardar Patel et al. Written in a lucid language, My Times is greatly reminiscent of the speeches made by the Acharya, of which Sarojini Naidu once remarked-`They are an enduring memorial of a soul that has passed from turmoil to an inner sense of realisation.`
Acharya J B Kripalani passed away in 1982.
Contents :
Early Life
Wider Horizons
Sri Gandhi Ashram
Towards Purna Swaraj
Towards Provincial Autonomy
India and the War
Cripps Mission
Towards "Quit India"
Life in Ahmednagar Fort
Striving for a Settlement
Presidentship of the Congress
Tortuous Negotiations
Towards Partition
Setting the Record STraight
After Independence
Parliamentary Career
Presidential Contest
The Democratic Front
The Kisan Mazdoor Praja Party
Praja Socialist Party .ISBN - 9788171679171

Pages : 1010
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