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  Data Communication and Computer Networks

Data Communication And Computer Networks

by Ajit Pal

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  Intended primarily as a textbook for the students of computer science and engineering, electronics and communication engineering, master of computer applications (MCA), and those offering IT courses, the book provides a comprehensive coverage of the subject. Basic elements of communication such as data, signal and channel alongwith their characteristics such as bandwidth, bit internal and bit rate have been explained.
Contents related to guided and unguided transmission media, Bluetooth wireless technology, developed for Personal Area Network (PAN) and issues related to routing covering popular routing algorithms namely RIP, OSPF and BGP, have been introduced in the book.
Various aspects of data link control alongwith their application in HDLC network and techniques such as encoding, multiplexing and encryption/decryption are presented in detail. Characteristics and implementation of PSTN, SONET, ATM, LAN, Packet Radio network, Cellular telephone network and Satellite network have also been explained. Different aspects of IEEE 802.11 WLAN and congestion control protocols have also been discussed in the book.

Key Features

andbull;andnbsp;Each chapter is divided into section and subsection to provide flexibility in curriculum design.
andbull;andnbsp;The text contains numerous solved examples, and illustrations to bring clarity to the subject and enhance its understanding.
andbull;andnbsp;Review questions given at the end of each chapter, are meant to enable the teacher to test studentandrsquo;s grasping of the subject.ISBN - 9788120348455

Pages : 416
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