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Vb. Net Core Classes In A Nutshell
by Budi Kurniawan,Ted Neward
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The .NET platform gives Visual Basic developers access to an entirely new and comprehensive class library that promises to further simplify and speed VB application development. In VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell, VB Programmers will find a concise and thorough reference to the types found in the core namespaces of the .NET Framework Class Library. The heart of this book is a classic Nutshell Quick Reference to all the types found in 22 core .NET namespaces. The entry for each type describes its significance, explains how the type is used in .NET applications and lists its members and their signatures in readable VB.NET syntax. The core namespaces documented in this book include types in the following areas:Essential system and programming services found in the System namespace Text handling and regular expression pattern searches Diagnostics, debugging, and performance monitoring Generalized and specialized collection objects Reflection Extensible Markup Language (XML) Input/output and serialization Networking Threading and timers COM interop and globalizationAn essential companion to VB.NET Language in a Nutshell, this book completes a twovolume reference that VB.NET programmers will turn to repeatedly in both its print and online versions. Thanks to a special partnership between O`Reilly and Microsoft, now you can integrate the content from this "In a Nutshell" title with the Dynamic Help inside Visual Studio .NET. Once you install the plugin using the enclosed CDROM, you`ll have full access to its 22 namespace overviews and 700plus type entries. Requires Visual Studio .NET or Visual Basic .NET. About the AuthorBudi Kurniawan is an IT consultant specializing in Internet and objectoriented programming, and has taught both Microsoft and Java technologies. Budi is among the first to develop commercial .NET applications and components and is currently writing the ".NET RealWorld Projects" book to be published by APress this year, which includes the worlds first .NET Pacman game. He is also the author of the bestselling "Java for the Web with Servlets, JSP, and EJB" (New Riders) and the developer of the most popular Java Upload Bean from Neward is an independent software development architect and mentor in the Sacramento, California area. He is the author of a number of books, including ServerBased Java Programming (Manning), the forthcoming EffectiveEnterprise Java (AddisonWesley) and Shared Source CLI Essentials (OReilly) and coauthor of C# In a Nutshell (OReilly) with Peter Drayton and Ben Albahari. He is also an instructor with DevelopMentor, where he teaches and authors both the Java and .NET curriculum. He speaks frequently for technology user groups and writes technical papers for and He currently labors on behalf of the University of California, Davis, architecting a rebuild of the Davis Accounting and Financial Information Services software system. Past clients include companies like Pacific Bell, EdFund, Synergex and Intuit.
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