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  High Performance Leadership 2nd Edition

High Performance Leadership 2Nd Edition

by Dr. G. Vijayaragavan

  Price : Rs 895.00
  Your Price : Rs 778.65
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  Empowering people to realize that they determine their own lives is not easy. Equally difficult is to understand the human psyche with no guarantee of set pattern of behaviour. With winds of change taking charge of business and commerce, Technology outdating concepts day-in and day-out, the task of the corporate to provide right kind of leadership with high power and high skill orientation has become more relevant than before. There is a distinct possibility of companies getting extinct from the scene if right leadership is not triggered as response in the current world of competition.

Living upto the aspirations and requirements of the industry, Universities of the country have introduced the subject "High Performance Leadership" in the course curriculum of the management courses. Being a front runner in the field of academic innovations, University of Mumbai has introduced this subject for Post Graduate Course in Management, namely Master of Management Studies and this book is, in response to the need of the management students.

The book meets the requirements of the subject in all its angles, be it syllabus of the course or knowledge contents of the topics of leadership governing various facets of leadership and has made an attempt to bring in leaders among readers.ISBN - 9789351421481

Pages : 572
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