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  Content is Currency

Content Is Currency

by Jon Wuebben

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 547.40
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  We all know that in the online world, what you say and how you say it is critically important for connecting with prospects and customers. When it comes to the web, content is king. With eaChapter passing day, this notion seems to be more and more true. The reality, however, is that most web content is poorly written or developed and doesn`t help companies get the results they are hoping for.

In fact, many companies spend all their time and money thinking about the appearance and the architecture of their sites and very little time thinking about the content. Failing to look at content from a strategic point of view, they see their web pages as something they need to fill quickly. Content is Currency shows the short sightedness of this approaChapter and analyzes the importance of the three pillars of web content: Website performance/usability, searChapter engine rankings and sales conversion.

In Content is Currency, readers will learn how to establish the three pillars and develop content using SearChapter Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Optimization (SMO) and Call-to-action techniques and understand how to achieve the benefits of these techniques for a fraction of the cost of using an SEO consultant or ad agency.

Content development is the art and science of producing web content that the searChapter engines and your site visitors deem important. From an SEO perspective, achieving page one listings is the goal. If your content is optimized in eaChapter important area, you have a good chance of being in this group. Surprisingly, 70% of companies are missing the boat with this and many that do achieve high searChapter engine rankings usually fall victim to a high priced SEO consultant or ad agency. As the complete guide to SEO content development, Content is Currency shows exactly how to optimize content for your website¦on your own.

The book is full of specific examples, practical advice, and step-by-step instructions that will help anyone doing business online achieve real results. Content is Currency covers development of all types of online content including video content, audio and podcast development and social media content.ISBN-9781857885736

Pages : 268
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