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  The Great Betrayal : India`s Development Experience Since Independence with Reference to Central and Western India

The Great Betrayal : India`S Development Experience Since Independence With Reference To Central And Western India

by Kalipada Deb

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  What happened to these lofty objectives ultimately? How much could be achieved after six decades of development efforts? Did the government try its utmost to provide food and other basic necessities to the semistarved billions? Were there adequate efforts t o reduc e t he regional imbalance in development? How far the rural-urban disparity could be reduced over the decades? Did the government exert itself fully to mobilise all possible resources? This study makes an i n- dept h analysis of these questions with particular reference to the Central and Western part of the Indian states — i.e., UP including Uttaranchal, MP including Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. The Great Betrayal brings out how an overwhelming majority of the country\`s population were deprived by the government over the last six decades due to the misgovernance and endemic corruption? The development efforts made benefitted hardly a fifth of the total population. The Constitution was distorted to serve vested interest. Corruption became rampant everywhere, and the elections held turnedout to be a mockery of democracy. The use of money and muscle power to win elections became common everywhere. Not surprisingly, a large number of criminals became members of Parliament and state legislatures. This study will provide a deep insight towards these anomalies and immensely beneficial to all the researchers, academicians and students.
CONTENTS:----------------------------Contents, Preface 7, P ARTI: INTRODUCTION, 1. Nature of Government and the Pattern of Development, in India 15, 2. Central and West Indian Economies: An Overview of, Performance 53, P ARTII: THE ECONOMYOFUTT AR PRADESH, 3. Resource Mobilisation and Deployment 65, 4. Human Resource Development 73, 5. Agricultural Growth and Transformation 79, 6. Industrial Growth and Structural Change 91, 7. Absolute Poverty and the Measures 97, P ARTIII: THE ECONOMYOFMADHY APRADESH, 8. Resource Mobilisation and Deployment 105, 9. Human Resource Development: Education and, Health 115, 10. Agricultural Growth and Transformation 121, 11. Industrial Growth and Structural Change 131, 12. Absolute Poverty and the Measures 145,6 The Great Betrayal, PARTIV : THE ECONOMYOFMAHARASHTRA, 13. Resource Mobilisation and Development 163, 14. Human Resource Development: Education and, Health 181, 15. Agricultural Growth and Transformation 191, 16. Industrial Growth and Structural Change 211, 17. Absolute Poverty and the Measures 225, PART V : THE ECONOMY OFGUJARA T, 18. Resource Mobilisation and Deployment 237, 19. Human Resource Development: Education and, Health 249, 20. Agricultural Growth and Transformation 259, 21. Industrial Growth and Structural Change 277, 22. Absolute Poverty and the Measures 283, P ART VI: SUMMINGUP, 23. Summary and Conclusions 297, Bibliography 311, Index.

ISBN - 9789351280026

Pages : 336
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