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  Military Training In India

Military Training In India

by Major General R P R C Naidu

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  An army earns its keep if it either fighting or training. Training is the one key element that makes the 17% of the national budget that is alloted for defence and goes the full length. Policy on training starts with identifying the mission of the army with greater clarity and precision, procuring the weapons and equipment to meet the mission and preparing the soldier to use the weapon to achieve the mission. Is the Indian Army`s training meeting the needs? While the soldier in uniform understands the primacy of training due to his core professional values, do his political masters, and more importantly, the babudom that rules the roost in the South Block give it is due place? Do they realise that time and money spent on training adds exponentially to the value of the investment in weapons and infrastructure? With the induction of tactical missiles and nuclear weapons, training doctrines have to change. The book looks critically at the current training methodology and suggests changes so that the tax-prayer`s buck gives the biggest possible bang. it looks with a magnifying glass at not merely the skill training of the rank and file but also the intellectual and psychological training of everyone in uniform, from a recruit to a flag rank officer to meet combat stress. ISBN : 81-7049-075-8. 2001 ( forthcoming).

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