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  Human Resource Development (Text and Cases)

Human Resource Development (Text And Cases)

by Dr. Ram Kumar Balyan , Mrs. Suman Balyan

  Price : Rs 825.00
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  Every organisation has been established with certain objectives to achieve them effectively and efficiently by utilising the available resources. All resources are important but out of these the manpower is the most important. It plays an important role in performing tasks for accomplishing the goals. In short, human resource includes the resources of all the people who contribute their services in the attainment of organisational goals and others who contribute their services in the attainment of organisational goals directly or indirectly. It is this human resource which is of paramount importance in the success of any organisation because most of the problems in organisational settings are human and social rather than physical, technical or economic. Failure to recognize this fact causes immense loss to the nation, enterprise and to the individual. In the words of Olivery Sheldon, "No industry can be rendered efficient so long as the basic fact remains unrecognised that it is principally human. In present situation, it is difficult to predict about anything. It is uncertain to say that what will happen tomorrow. Again the need for highly skilled and dedicated manpower is felt who can understand the turbulent situation and give the best output.

In highly turbulent environment, the need for high level of competency has been felt strongly. The existing level is not meeting the requirement of performance. A gap is created by changing global business environment between required and existing level of human resource competencies. It is needed to develop the human resource to get the desired standard of performance to neutralise the competition effect. Focus of HR manager is now on human resource development because it has realized the importance of skilled, motivated and committed employees. Keeping in view competitive situation and increasing importance of competent and motivated human resource, we are inspired for working on topic of human resource development and give to the academicians, practitioners, research scholars and students undergoing management programmes. This book has been authored and it includes the following chapters:

To develop the concepts related to human resource development, HRD process, roles and practice, performance management and appraisal, relations of HRD with OD, knowledge management, career planning and development efforts have been put through intensive study and research with special care. Further, proper attention has been paid to grammar and editing part. If readers find any mistake any where relating to this book , they are requested to inform the authors. This would be highly appreciated and authors would be thankful to the persons who inform. ISBN - 9789350516195

Pages : 486
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