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  	Brand Rejuvenation

Brand Rejuvenation

by Jean_Marc Lehu

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 355.50
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  The potential power of a brand is phenomenal, yet at some point in their lives, all brands begin to look old or lose their potency. Some are usurped by younger brands more in tune with the zeitgeist; others just grow tired or wear themselves out; still others lose direction and become separated from their target audience.

In this book, Jean-Marc Lehu examines the challenges faced by existing brands trying to avoid brand stagnation and explains how they can be re-energized and re-focussed to regain power in the marketplace.

Contents: PART 1 : The Causes of ageing ¢ The perceived age of a brand ¢ Brand advertising ¢ The brand`s target market ¢ The brand`s products ¢ PART 2 : Rejuvenation Factors ¢ Environment and nature of rejuvenation ¢ Modifying the brand identity ¢ The dynamizing of advertising ¢ Renewing the target market ¢ The growth of the product portfolio ¢ PART 3 : The strategy to prevent ageing ¢ Staying young : a need or a desire? ¢ Anti ageing: rejuvenation cost vs ageing prevention cost ¢ The Policy of continuous, controlled innovation ¢ Formulae and models vs analysis and creativity ¢ Management of the brand equity : or how to avoid ageing ¢ Conclusion

About the Author: Jean-Marc Lehu is Associate Marketing Professor at PanthAon Sorbonne University. He is also a consultant in marketing and communications and conducts research on customer loyalty and brand management. He has had several books and numerous articles published.

Target Audience : Corporate houses, Sales & Marketing professionals / Branding & General Public etc.
Special prices are applicable to the authorised sales territory only.
Prices are subject to change without prior notice. ISBN 9780749448950

Pages : 272
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