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  Ayurvedic Herbs in Healthy Ageing

Ayurvedic Herbs In Healthy Ageing

by Sukh Dev

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 250.75
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  In most countries of the world, average human life expectancy has sharply climbed. However, extended longevity is seeing a surge in diseases and handicaps typical of old age: type-2 diabetes, heart affections, movement disorders, dementia (brain diseases), and other neuro- and immunodegenrative handicaps. Hence, in order to make extension of life span enjoyable and meaningful, it is important to aim at and achieve healthy ageing. This book is an effort to educate the reader about what are the basic requirement for healthy ageing, and how certain ayurvedic herbs can assist in achieving this goal.

The book has been divided into 3 Sections. First Section is devoted to what happens to the various crucial body organs as a result of natural ageing. Section 2 describes factors which are essential for healthy ageing, and those which must be abhorred.

Section 3 is devoted to the eight ayurvedic herbs, which have received significant modern scientific accreditation. Most of these products have activities against diseases / handicaps which show up after age 50 or so. Modern scientific studies have shown that chronic inflammation is the forerunner of most old age diseases. It is suggested that one takes the help of one of these products after age 50 or so for healthy ageing. In this Section, which herb is to be selected for usage has been discussed. By character these products are essentially nutraceuticals, and are best ingested with food. ISBN - 9789383656844

Pages : 152
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