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  Prime Ayurvedic Plant Drugs, 2nd ed. (2012)

Prime Ayurvedic Plant Drugs, 2Nd Ed. (2012)

by Sukh Dev

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  This book represents an unsurpassed resource in the English language on Indian medicines, the plants that produce them and the currently known organic compounds that occur therein. It is beautifully organized and written in an admirably succinct and clear style. But beyond that, it is visually beautiful because of the outstanding color photographs of each plant and the extreme care that has been taken with the layout, chemical formulae and printing. It is an elegant and esthetically pleasing volume from page one to the end, page 500.

Professor Sukh Dev, one of the giants in Indian chemistry of the twentieth century, deserves much credit for the prodigious effort and high scholarship that went into the creation of this admirable work. He has fused the works of Ayurvedic folk medicine with modern pharmacology, botany and chemistry in a singularly effective way.

I expect that this book will prove to be of value for a long time and that it may sow the seeds for future advances in medicinal science. I am reminded of Professor Sukh Devs last major work, a two-volume opus on the triterpene class of complex naturally occurring organic molecules which towers over every other book in the field, as it will for a long time.

I congratulate him on his sustained contributions to the scientific literature, including not least, "A Selection of Prime Ayurvedic Plant Drugs, Ancient-Modern Concordance."

E.J. Corey
July 2006

Section I: General Introduction

Section II: Monographs
1. Abies spectabilis
2. Acacia catechu
3. Achyranthes aspera
4. Acorus calamus
5. Adhatoda zeylanica
6. Aegle marmelos
7. Aloe vera
8. Alpinia galanga
9. Alstonia scholaris
10. Andrographis paniculata
11. Argyreia nervosa
12. Asparagus adscendens
13. Asparagus racemosus
14. Azadirachta indica
15. Bacopa monnieri
16. Barleria prionitis
17. Benincasa hispida
18. Berberis aristata
19. Bergenia ciliata
20. Boerhavia diffusa
21. Bombax ceiba
22. Boswellia serrata
23. Butea monosperma
24. Caesalpinia bonduc
25. Calotropis procera
26. Cannabis sativa
27. Carum carvi
28. Cassia absus
29. Cassia angustifolia
30. Cassia fistula
31. Cassia tora
32. Cedrus deodara
33. Celastrus paniculatus
34. Centella asiatica
35. Cissus quadrangularis
36. Clitoria ternatea
37. Coccinia grandis
38. Commiphora wightii
39. Convolvulus microphyllus
40. Costus speciosus
41. Crataeva nurvala
42. Crocus sativus
43. Cuminum cyminum
44. Curculigo orchioides
45. Curcuma longa
46. Curcuma zedoaria
47. Cyperus rotundus
48. Desmodium gangeticum
49. Eclipta alba
50. Embelia ribes
51. Emblica officinalis
52. Eugenia jambolana
53. Ficus bengalensis
54. Fumaria indica
55. Garcinia morella
56. Glycyrrhiza glabra
57. Gymnema sylvestre
58. Hedychium spicatum
59. Hemidesmus indicus
60. Holarrhena antidysenterica
61. Hygrophila auriculata
62. Inula racemosa
63. Lawsonia inermis
64. Leptadenia reticulata
65. Leucas aspera
66. Litsea glutinosa
67. Mallotus philippensis
68. Mangifera indica
69. Momordica charantia
70. Moringa oleifera
71. Mucuna pruriens
72. Nardostachys jatamansi
73. Nelumbo nucifera
74. Nigella sativa
75. Ocimum sanctum
76. Phyllanthus fraternus
77. Picrorhiza kurroa
78. Piper longum
79. Pluchea lanceolata
80. Plumbago zeylanica
81. Psoralea corylifolia
82. Pterocarpus marsupium
83. Pueraria tuberosa
84. Punica granatum
85. Rauvolfia serpentina
86. Rubia cordifolia
87. Salacia prinoides
88. Santalum album
89. Saussurea lappa
90. Semecarpus anacardium
91. Sida cordifolia
92. Swertia chirayita
93. Terminalia arjuna
94. Terminalia bellirica
95. Terminalia chebula
96. Tinospora cordifolia
97. Tribulus terrestris
98. Trigonella foenum-graecum
99. Valeriana jatamansi
100. Vitex negundo
101. Withania somnifera
102. Zingiber officinale
103. Zingiber zerumbet

Section III: Annexures
1. Glossary of Botanical Terms
2. Glossary of Medical and Biochemical Terms
3. Activity-wise Plant Listing
4. Plant-wise Activities

1. Botanical Names
2. Ayurvedic Plant Names
3. Biologically Active Chemical Compounds

ISBN - 9789380618180

Pages : 816
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