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   Fundamentals of Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Gardening

Fundamentals Of Ornamental Horticulture And Landscape Gardening

by A. K. Tiwari

  Price : Rs 2000.00
  Your Price : Rs 2000.00
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  Ornamental Horticulture is a branch of Horticulture which dealswith commercial growing of flowers ornamental plants andbeautification of surroundings. This subject assumes greatimportance in improving total environment and checks visualpollution by way of beautification. The flowers have been eulogisedby poets and artists for generations not merely for theirornamental properties but for their versatile curativeproperties.

The Study of ornamental horticulture comprises of two parts i.e.the knowledge of growing of plants like annuals, shrubs, climber,trees, bulbous, succulents and cactus, shade loving plants, lawnetc. and their use in beautification programme. The information onabove aspect is scattered in different book and a great difficultywas being felt by students, landscapers and scientist. In thiscontext, a need of simple book on introduction, cultivation andmanagement of ornamental plants is highly demanded by student ofHorticulture and florists of India.

This book describes in details collection identification,propagation, cultivation, nutritional and weed management, plantand flowers senescence management etc., of annuals, herbs, shrubs,climbers and ornamental trees. Since, beautification involves theprinciples of art and gardening styles. Therefore, bio aestheticplanning, basics of landscaping and flowers arrangement have alsobeen discussed in details.

Special care has been taken to present the subject matter in asimple and lucid style. Book further includes recent availableinformation. The illustrations have been drawn from own specimenswith photographs.ISBN - 9789381450079

Pages : 586
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