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  Nematode Vectors Of Plant Viruses

Nematode Vectors Of Plant Viruses

by Taylor C. E.

  Price : Rs 2950.00
  Your Price : Rs 2950.00
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  Viruses transmitted by nematodes are responsible for many economically important diseases of crops. Thus, when in the late 1950s this mode of disease propagation was demonstrated by proof of the transmission of grapevine fanleaf diseases by Xiphinemsa index it marked the start of a significant and fruitful period of research. After the initial enthusiasm associated with the discovery of new vectors and new viruses there followed a spell of consolidation in which researchers sought the answers to intriguing questions about the nature of the association between virus and vector as well as more mundane, but equally compelling questions about life cycles, geographical distribution and the texonomy of groups of vector speciees. With the introduction of molecular biology new aproaches became available with which to investigate nematode virus plant interactions and these techniques are being exploited to provide new insights. This book is an important resource for workers in Crop Protection, Nematology and Plant Virology * CONTENTS : * Historical perspective * Morphology and ultrastructure * Taxonomy and identification * Geographical distribution * Ecology * Feeding, pathogenicity and host reaction * Nematode transmitted viruses * Virus transmission * Specificiry and mechanisms of transmission * Control. Methodology, Future perspective. 1997 ( HB )

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