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   General Intelligence For MBA Entrance Exam

General Intelligence For Mba Entrance Exam

by K. Kundan

  Price : Rs 320.00
  Your Price : Rs 320.00
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  There are many fine Business Schools in India now, and there are various tests for entrance into these management institutes. There are the top level exams like the CAT, CMAT, XAT, and SNAP. There are also exams conducted by individual schools, like IIFT, NMAT and MICA.

All these exams follow a common pattern. The written tests consist generally of Data Interpretation, Quantitative Ability, Logical Reasoning, Verbal Ability, Data Sufficiency and Reading Comprehension tests. Candidates who pass this stage then have to appear for a Group Discussion followed by an Interview.

General Intelligence For MBA Entrance Tests is divided into two sections, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The Verbal Reasoning part is divided into two sections, Problems Based on General Mental Ability and Problems Based on Logic.

The first section, General Mental Ability, covers topics like Word Relationship, Puzzle, Direction Test, Blood Relations, Coded Inequality, Alpha-Numeric Symbol Sequence, Supplying The Missing Characters and Syllogism. The Logic section provides an Introduction to Logic, Arguments, Assumption and Evaluating Inference.

The second part, Non-Verbal Reasoning covers Problems Based on the Concept of Symmetry and Problems Based on Visual Ability. The Symmetry section focuses on problems dealing with Linear Symmetry, Paper Folding and Cutting, Completion of an Incomplete Pattern and Mirror Images.

The Visual Ability section covers Dice Problems, Spotting out the Embedded Figure, Making Boxes and other similar problems. The Non-Verbal Reasoning part also looks at topics like Series and Analogy.

General Intelligence For MBA Entrance Tests thoroughly covers the verbal and non-verbal reasoning sections of the written test of the various MBA entrance exams.

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