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   Thermodynamics for Engineers 2nd Edition

Thermodynamics For Engineers 2Nd Edition

by Kaufui Vincent Wong

  Price : Rs 1095.00
  Your Price : Rs 930.75
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  Aspiring engineers need a text that prepares them to use thermodynamics in professional practice. Thermodynamics instructors need a concise textbook written for a one-semester undergraduate course”a text that foregoes clutter and unnecessary details but furnishes the essential facts and methods.

Thermodynamics for Engineers, Second Edition continues to fill both those needs. Paying special attention to the learning process, the author has developed a unique, practical guide to classical thermodynamics. His approach is remarkably cohesive. For example, he develops the same example through his presentation of the first law and both forms of the second law”entropy and exergy. He also unifies his treatments of the conservation of energy, the creation of entropy, and the destruction of availability by using a balance equation for each, thus emphasizing the commonality between the laws and allowing easier comprehension and use.
This Second Edition includes a new chapter on thermodynamic property relations and gives updated, expanded problem sets in every chapter. Accessible, practical, and cohesive, the text builds a solid foundation for advanced engineering studies and practice. It exposes students to the "big picture" of thermodynamics, and its streamlined presentation allows glimpses into important concepts and methods rarely offered by texts at this level.Contents
1. Concepts, Definitions, and the Laws of Thermodynamics, 2. Properties of Pure Substances, 3. Mass Conservation and the First Law of Thermodynamics, 4. Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy, 5. Exergy (Availability) Analysis, 6. Vapor Power Systems, 7. Thermodynamic Property Relations, 8. Principles of Energy (Heat) Transfer ISBN 9781439845592

Pages : 450
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