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  Design Of Bridge Structures, 2nd Edition,

Design Of Bridge Structures, 2Nd Edition,

by Jagadeesh And Jayaram

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  This updated Second Edition of the textbook on bridge design continues to provide comprehensive coverage of both theory and design practice within the compass of a single volume. It is intended for the students pursuing courses in civil engineering at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is also considered useful for practising civil engineers and designers who need a ready reckoner on important design aspects of bridges.

The second edition has three main objectives. First, it provides general updates of the bridge designs as per the revised IRC codes. Second, it incorporates all round improvement to the presentation of the material. Third, and more importantly, the second edition makes the book complete by incorporating topics like prestressed concrete bridge decks and applications of artificial intelligence in bridge engineering.

The most distinguishing features of the book comprise :

Detailed design drawings of bridges

Coverage of both hydraulic and structural design of bridges

Numerous solved examples to illustrate both analysis and design calculations

Computer programs to initiate students into the field of computer-aided projects in bridge design.isbn-9788120338524

Pages : 360
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