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   Laboratory Work in Hydraulic Engineering

Laboratory Work In Hydraulic Engineering

by G.L. Asawa

  Price : Rs 100.00
  Your Price : Rs 90.00
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  In almost all technical institutions of learning, the laboratory work in any subject runs concurrently with the course in theory of the subject. Consequently, the students perform the laboratory work mechanically without intellectual involvement in the work. It is, therefore, necessary that the students, before conducting the experimental work, are familiarized with elementary theoretical and other aspects relevant to the experimental work. This book is an attempt to serve this objective for the subject of hydraulic engineering.

The contents of the book include description of basic facilities in hydraulic engineering laboratory, elementary terms of fluid mechanics, fundamental equations governing the fluid motion, introduction to open channel flow, a note on writing laboratory reports, and instructional description of several experiments including those on basic hydraulic engineering (or fluid mechanics), pipe flow, open channel flow, boundary layers, and hydraulic structures.

Instructional description of each experiment includes the object (s), brief theoretical background, description of one typical set-up for the experiment, procedure for conducting the experiment and carrying out computations. The required graph sheets have also been provided in order to make the book self-contained ISBN - 9788122418101

Pages : 204
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