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  Fluid Flow in Pipes and Channels

Fluid Flow In Pipes And Channels

by Asawa G.L.

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 476.00
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  This book covers the basics of fluid mechanics besides flow of fluids both in pipes and channels including the alluvial ones in sufficient detail. It will be useful to the undergraduate students of fluid mechanics (in disciplines such as civil engineering mechanical engineering chemical engineering agricultural engineering paper and pulp technology etc.) and hydraulic engineering. Practicing engineers including river engineers dealing with flow of fluids in pipes rigid boundary channels and alluvial channels will also find it a useful and handy guide. The book has 17 chapters that cover details of fluid properties fluid statics fluid kinematics fluid dynamics fluid flow equations and their applications physical modeling and flow measurement viscous flows boundary layer and external flows incompressible viscous flow in pipes pipe flow systems basic concepts of open channel flow uniform flow critical flow steady nonuniform flow unsteady nonuniform flow controls and flow measurement in channels and hydraulics of alluvial channels. The fundamentals as well as design methods dealt with in the text have been illustrated adequately through a number of solved examples including some real design problems given at the end of each chapter. Over 100 solved examples and 150 unsolved problems have been included which the students could attempt to understand the application of the basic principles and design methods. ISBN 9788123917238

Pages : 511
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