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   Sanatan Kriya: Yoga Sar(HINDI)

Sanatan Kriya: Yoga Sar(Hindi)

by Yogi Ashwini

  Price : Rs 155.00
  Your Price : Rs 155.00
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  Yogi Ashwini, the Guiding Light of Dhyan Foundation, is anauthority on Yoga, Tantra and various spiritual sciences. He has anHonours degree in Economics and a Masters in Management, and iswidely travelled. He practices and propagates Yoga without anydilution, innovation or modification. In short, it is Yoga strictlyaccording to the ancient tradition.

Having studied the being for more than two decades, Yogi Ashwinihas assimilated the Vedic techniques to formulate Sanatan Kriya forthe modern man. The Kriya encapsulates all the eight limbs ofAshtanga Yoga as laid down by Sage Pantanjali 4000 years ago.

Sanatan Kriya, with its wondrous power, has transformed thelives of innumerable people. It has bestowed remarkable benefits onthe them at all levels:physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.Thepractitioners are a testimony to what it means to have thesanidhya of a Guru like Yogi Ashwini.

He interacts with His students worldwideone-on-one. By HisGrace, the students have graduated from reading and hearing aboutmiracles to experiencing them. Such is the phenomenon called YogiAshwini.ISBN - 9788190450676

Pages : 88
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