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   Sanatan Kriya The Ageless Dimension

Sanatan Kriya The Ageless Dimension

by Yogi Ashwini

  Price : Rs 1200.00
  Your Price : Rs 1200.00
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  Sanatan Kriya The Ageless Dimension explains how Yoga and Vedic Science can help a person control their ageing process and stay young and healthy throughout their lives.

Summary Of The Book

Ageing is a natural biological process. The day a person is born, their body begins to age. Each breath they take and the food they eat, the environment, their lifestyle, all affect the ageing process. In Ancient India, Rishis lived for a long time, and yet they maintained their youthfulness and vitality throughout their lives. The secret to their longevity and their health are locked up in their yogic practices, their lifestyle, and certain herbal preparations that they used. Twenty years of research by the author forms the basis for this book. Sanatan Kriya The Ageless Dimension prescribes herbal preparations and certain breath control and meditation practices that will effectively cut down the ill-effects of ageing on a person’s body.

These practices and the medicinal preparations are based on various sources. These are techniques explained in ancient texts like Charak Samhita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, and Shiv Samhita. This book concentrates on regulating dietary habits, cutting down on harmful chemicals, practicing breathing techniques and using herbs. Combined together, these concepts can help a person improve their health, remain young, vigorous and active, even as the years roll by. The book also lists many harmful chemicals that are contained in the items that people use everyday. These details are backed up by research data to add authentication to the claims. Thus, it helps the reader avoid these harmful products.

The book does not stop there. It also shows the readers where they can buy alternative natural products. It even explains how some of these items can be prepared at home. It shows how and where to find the necessary ingredients and details the formulas and recipes to create the products. Sanatan Kriya The Ageless Dimension is a wonderful book that unlocks ancient secrets to longevity and youthfulness.ISBN - 9788190450669

Pages : 237
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