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   Leadership : Enhancing the Lessons of Experience 7th Edition

Leadership : Enhancing The Lessons Of Experience 7Th Edition

by Richard Hughes, Robert Ginnett, Gordon Curphy

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 625.50
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  Leadership: Enhancing the Lessons of Experience, 7e consists of 16 chapters, four of which cover specific leadership skills and qualities covered in each of the book™s four sections. Hughes, Ginnett, and Curphy draw upon three different types of literature”empirical studies; interesting anecdotes, stories and findings; and leadership skills”to create a text that is personally relevant, interesting, and scholarly. The authors™ unique quest for a careful balancing act of leadership materials helps students apply theory and research to their real-life experiences. The Seventh Edition has been thoroughly updated in virtually every chapter.A new introductory chapter, What Do We Mean By Leadership?, combines the first two chapters of previous editions to create a more consolidated treatment of the material.
A new chapter on leader development (Chapter 2) eliminates dated material from earlier editions and also includes Chapter 8 material from the 6th edition on development planning, coaching and mentoring.
Chapter 5, Leadership Ethics and Values, now includes extended treatment of ethical leadership and more explicit linkages developed between ethics, values, ethical leadership, authentic leadership and servant leadership.
A new chapter, The Dark Side of Leadership, discusses the concept of bad leadership”leaders who build teams to achieve immoral or unethical ends”reviews the research pertaining to managerial derailment and incompetence, and describes the underlying reasons why people fail as leaders and how to prevent it.
Chapter 12, The Situation, includes extended treatment of organizational culture and leadership across global cultures. This chapter also takes a new look at the role of leadership in dealing with increasing environmental change.
Leadership skills has been re-organized into four separate chapters, each one now representing the final chapter to each of the book™s four basic structural parts. In addition, there are new skills sections on Creating a Leadership Vision and Your First 90 Days as a Leader.
Retained Features
The book is organized around a three-part interactional framework”leader, followers, situation”providing a clear understanding of the nature of the relationship between leaders and followers.
Highlight boxes continue to provide students with a diverse array of materials to help apply theory and research to real-life experiences.
Updated Profiles in Leadership cases are presented to illustrate important leaders, both past and present and effective and ineffective, to allow students to examine the skills and qualities needed to succeed or fail as a leader.
End of chapter mini-cases examine current leadership situations in organizational settings and pose questions to evaluate the actions of individuals and corporations in the cases. ISBN - 9781259097089

Pages : 736
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