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   Pocket Tutor Abdominal Imaging 1st Edition

Pocket Tutor Abdominal Imaging 1St Edition

by Rakesh Sinha

  Price : Rs 795.00
  Your Price : Rs 636.00
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Practical, handy guide to abdominal imaging, designed for medical students and foundation doctors on the go and highly affordable for those rotating through modular courses or working on attachment. Highly affordable price and convenient pocket size format “ fits in back pocket! Logical, sequential content: relevant basic science, then a guide to understanding a normal image and the building blocks of an abnormal image, before describing clinical disorders. Clinical disorders illustrated by a high quality abdominal radiograph, ultrasound, barium study, CT scan or MRI, with brief accompanying text on facing page that clearly identifies the defining feature of the image (in other words, what is it that makes this a stomach ulcer?). Focus on the conditions that medical students and foundation doctors are most likely to see and be tested on. ISBN 9781907816048

Pages : 192
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