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  The Anatomy of Success: Management Lessons from a Surgeon

The Anatomy Of Success: Management Lessons From A Surgeon

by Rakesh Sinha

  Price : Rs 399.00
  Your Price : Rs 311.22
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  How different will people’s lives be if they approach success the same way the medical profession does – as if it were a matter of life and death? What can medicine teach us about beating the odds? In our jobs and our work lives, do we genuinely do the best we can?
Gynecological endoscopic surgeon Dr Rakesh Sinha – a two-time Guinness World Record holder for his surgeries – draws lessons from his own profession to elaborate on success in simple, easy-to-understand steps. In this book, you will discover that success is a combination of three parts: what you’re born with, or Biology; what you learn along the way, or Learning and your deep desire to succeed, or Cognition. You will become an expert in effective visualization techniques to enhance your performance, learn how to take premeditated risks, focus on one task at a time, achieve mastery through deliberate practice and cultivate optimism consciously.
Dr Sinha also shows you how to work with your brain to get you out of your rut. Because success is, quite literally, all in your head.
Over and above, The Anatomy of Success reveals that you can be successful despite your genes by chasing victory with the same resolve as doctors do. Because a life does depend on whether you succeed or fail. Yours.

ISBN- 9789351364863

Pages : 248
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