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  Old Wisdom And New Horizon (History Of Science, Philosophy And Culture In Indian Civilization: Vol. XV, Part 5)

Old Wisdom And New Horizon (History Of Science, Philosophy And Culture In Indian Civilization: Vol. Xv, Part 5)

by Manoj Kumar Pal

  Price : Rs 1895.00
  Your Price : Rs 1705.50
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  Description: The volumes of the PROJECT OF HISTORY OF INDIAN SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY AND CULTURE (PHISPC) aim at discovering the main aspects of India’s heritage and present them in an interrelated way. These volumes, in spite of their unitary look, recognize the difference between the areas of material civilization and those of ideational culture. The Project is not being executed by a single group of thinkers and writers who are methodologically uniform or ideologically identical in their commitments. In fact, contributions are made by different scholars with different ideological persuasions and methodological approaches. The Project is marked by what may be called ‘methodological pluralism’. In spite of its primary historical character, this Project, both in its conceptualization and execution, has been shaped by many scholars drawn from different disciplines. It is for the first time that an endeavour of such a unique and comprehensive character has been undertaken to study critically a major world civilization like India.

This book by an internationally reputed Indian scientist traces the developments of Science, Religion and Philosophy in human civilization through the ages. The common underlying bond – more specifically, a linkage of philosophy with both science and religion – has been examined incisively. All the three sub-areas of human culture have been presented from a holistic point of view, and at the same time, stressing some of their irreconcilable basic differences in scope and outlook. Meant primarily for general readers, the book achieves a fine balance between basic concepts, historical evolution and a critical unbiased analysis of rituals, dogmas, unresolved queries and it leads to an enlightened view of ‘humanism’, ‘Nature’, ‘Unity of man’, need for a new paradigm of social and political order transcending globalisation and control of resources of weaker nations by supremacy in global power equation. The book reviews the wisdom of the ancient Hindus, Buddhism, Jainism and of the three semitic religions - Judaism, Christianity and Islam. It presents a concise account of the Indian Vedas, Vedangas, Saddarsana, the two epics and the Bhagavadgita, of the philosophy and science of the Greeks, science and technology of ancient Egypt, Babylonia and China. A valuable special feature is a summary of the status of present-day science, starting with the classical phase, and ending with the developments in the last century comprising the Theory of Relativity, quantum physics, genetics, various aspects of human consciousness, modern astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. Last but not least, the author critically reviews some of the present-day fashionable discourses on ‘science as the best way to reach God’ and leads the readers to an appraisal of the on-going researches on the unification of the four fundamental interactions of physical sciences. He ends with the inexorable conclusion that this unification, when fully achieved, would still not strictly identify the unique force as ‘God’ as conceived in different religions.

Contents: Science, Religion and Philosophy • Seers and Prophets • The Hellenic Legacy • Old Wisdom of India • Other Religions of Ancient India • The Earth’s Diary • Prehistoric Man, Cultural Contacts and Evolution • The Wisdom of Christianity • The Wisdom of Islam • Christianity and European Philosophy in the Middle Age • Methodology, the old and the classical ages of Science • Quantum Theory – philosophers’ delight • Life and Consciousness • General Relativity, Astrophysics and CosmologyISBN - 9788130910086

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