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  Open Leadership: How Social Technology can Transform the Way You Lead

Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform The Way You Lead

by Charlene Li

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 467.50
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  BE OPEN, BE TRANSPARENT, BE AUTHENTIC are the current leadership mantras but companies often push back. Traditionally, business is premised on the concept of control and yet the new world order demands openness. In Open Leadership Charlene Li (the coauthor of the blockbusting bestseller Groundswell) offers the next step resource that shows leaders how to tap into the power of the social technology revolution and use social media to be open while maintaining control. This important book ex-plains how Facebook. Twitter, YouTube. Yammer, Jive, and other popular social media sites can improve efficiency, communication, and decision making for leaders and their organizations.

As Li explains, openness requires more not less rigor and effort than being in control. Open Leadership reveals step-by-step, with illustrative case studies and examples from a wide range of industries and countries, how to bring the precision of this new openness both inside and outside the organization. The author includes suggestions that will help an organization determine an open strategy, weigh the benefits against the risk, and have a clear understanding of the implications of being open. The book also contains guidelines, policies, and procedures that successful companies have implemented to manage openness and ensure that business objectives are at the center of their openness strategy.

By embracing social media, leaders can transform their organizations to become more effective, decisive, and ultimately more profitable in this new era of openness in the marketplace.ISBN 9788126538607

Pages : 336
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